City Hall

City Hall is located in the old bank building at 302 N. Salina St.  There is an atrium that is open all the time for you to drop off your bill payments.  Kids are also welcome to stand inside while waiting for the bus on those cold winter days.  We have 2 public computers and a b&w printer available for use.  There is the old council table and chairs if you need to have a small meeting.  

The bank building was remodeled into the City Hall in 2017.  It was in disrepair and close to being torn down.  Former Mayor Buzz Koehn negotiated a deal and oversaw the remodeling process.  The idea was to make this feel like you were walking into an old bank.  Most of the remodel was done with local labor.  We found the old vault doors, restored them and now use that area for our secure storage.  There is a second office that holds our computer server.  

The bank was not a bank for very many years.  But it has served as several bars, barber shop, chiropractor office, retail gift shop, and living quarters.  It was one of the few remaining buildings after a fire destroyed most of the town in 1930s.

Office hours are Monday 9am-1pm and Wednesday 9am-5pm.  If you would like to use the computers outside of office hours, please call to be let in.  

Contact Info

Sheila Bosworth
City Clerk
[email protected]

Tony Dipple
[email protected]
